
When business owners and managers are evaluating current and future options for business operations in the market today, one of the key items to consider is the connected infrastructure (services). Businesses today operate in a highly connected infrastructure model. Modern information technologies (IT) systems, telecommunications (voice – data – video), security, building automation, cloud, and other services are tightly wound into core business operations. Performance or Interruption of any of these key services will impact profitability, clients, and reputation and at the very least is a key factor in the productivity of your teams.

What is the best solution for one business is also not appropriate for all businesses. Optimizing your connected infrastructure services is a process of.


Assessing the current services.


Surveying the market for all options available.

Select & Negotiate

Build the optimum solution based on; availability, cost, time frame to connect, integration to existing services, and maximum resiliency.


Oversight on implementation through final completion.


Contract compliance and regular reviews to adapt to new challenges and solutions.

From the Founder

6F Network is best aligned with any size business that does not have the staff or time to evaluate the options available for a connected infrastructure project or optimization. F6 Network has 40+ years of market experience. We represent, through brokerage, a complete offering of connected infrastructure services and applications for all sizes of businesses, both single and multi-location. If your business (or your client) needs to reduce current costs, improve performance, run a discrete search on potential options, manage a new location launch or move, leverage our experience and resources to provide a discrete independent third-party assessment, evaluate options, and create a custom plan to hit your timeline, cost, and performance goals. 100% of our clients are through referrals.

Get Started Today

Let 6F Network help you customize your best solution, at the best price available!